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Privacy Policy

We take protecting online privacy and data security seriously. Please read the whole of this statement carefully as it sets out our approach to processing personal data including what information we may collect from you, how we may use it, store it and protect it, and your rights as a data subject.

Our Privacy Statement governs any kind of processing where we are acting as a data controller or co-controller (including collection, use, transfer, storage and deletion) of personally identifiable information (any information that may be used to identify a physical person, and any other information associated therewith) about natural persons. This statement applies to our processing of data collected through any means, actively as well as passively, from persons located anywhere in the world.

We are guided by the following principles when processing data:

1. We will only collect data for specific and specified purposes.

2. We will not collect data beyond what is necessary to accomplish those purposes; we will minimise the amount of information we collect from you to what we need to deliver the services required.

3. We will collect and use your personal information only if we have sensible business reasons for doing so, such as making available to you our services and products.

4. We will not use your data for purposes other than those for which it was collected, accepted as stated within our policy, or with your prior consent.

5. We will seek to verify and/or update your data periodically and we will accept requests from you for amendment of the data held.

6. We will apply high technical standards to make our processing of data secure.

7. Except otherwise stated, we will not store data in identifiable form longer than is necessary to accomplish its purpose or as required by law.

How we collect and use personal data:

Most personal information is provided directly and voluntarily by you when you engage with us in order to enquire about, or purchase, our services or products. We will collect information from you when:

1. You contact us for information via our website or social media channels, by phone or email.

2. You purchase our services or products.

3. You post on our social media channels, website or blog.

We collect this information to make available to you our services or products and to communicate with you in relation to our services or products. We may use the information collected to:

1. Allow us to process a booking for a service or product you purchase.

2. Create a profile for you on our database.

3. Send you our newsletters and/or provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you, where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes.

4. Respond to enquiries you make about our services or products.

5. Ensure that content from our site is presented to you in the most effective manner for you and your computer or device.

6. Allow you to access and utilise the service or product you have purchased from us.

7. Notify you about changes to our services or products.

8. Get feedback from you regarding the quality of our services or products.

We will not sell or lend your personal data to third parties or share your personal data for marketing purposes.

What information we collect:

In accordance with Data Protection Legislation, we only collect and process information which we require to meet the specific purposes as stated above. The information we may collect about you could include, but is not limited to:

1. Contact details.

2. Personal details and identifiers.

3. Bank details and financial information.

4. Details about your occupation and business.

5. Details about your lifestyle and social circumstances.

6. Details about how you use our website including technical data such as IP address.

Occasionally we may ask for special category data if necessary for delivery of a particular service or product, such as medical information. As per our Data Processing Principles we will only ask for information that is necessary to deliver our services, and therefore we encourage you not to provide us with personal data or special category data which we do not ask for.

How we store your information:

We have in place appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security, confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data we control. Your information is securely stored on our company database which is not publicly accessible or stored in any public domain – it is accessible to our employees only, and is password protected.

We may store or process your data on cloud-based platforms or service providers whose servers are based outside of the UK. We will only use such third-party service providers where we are confident that appropriate safeguards are in place to ensure that any personal data is subject to a similar level of security and protection as required under UK Data Protection Legislation.

We also have in place appropriate procedures to handle any potential Personal Data Breaches, in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. Any such breaches will be reported to the relevant supervisory authority and notified to the affected data subjects where we are legally required to do so.

We will only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary to meet the requirements for which it was collected. This will vary depending on the nature of the requirements and the processing. After this period of time, we will delete your personal data unless there is a legitimate business reason to retain all or parts of the data we hold.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides that processing of your data shall only be lawful if and to the extent that at least one of the following applies:

1. You have consented.

2. For the performance of a contract.

3. For compliance with a legal obligation which we must perform.

4. To protect the vital interests of your or another person.

5. It is in the public interest.

6. It is in the legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party.

We collect data for the purposes set out above. All personal data is managed to ensure that it is either erased from our system when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected, retained for legal reasons or minimised and retained.

Any special category data collected from you has special protection and is limited to that permissible by law. In all instances where special category data is collected, we will obtain your express consent.

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