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How many dogs are in each class?

I cap the number dogs booking on to a maximum of 5. This is so that the dogs can cope better in class and it also means that the class can be more tailored to the dogs/owners. This allows for more training progression and time to ask me questions creating a more personal experience with me as your dog trainer.


Why are there 4 sessions in the course?

Some other dog trainers offer 5 or more sessions in a course but I understand that life is busy and it's rare that most people have the time to commit to all the sessions. This means that people often miss out on a week of training due to their commitments meaning they have lost money and fall behind in the training. This is another one of the reasons I keep my classes to a maximum of 5 dogs because I can cover more content in the four weeks.


Is there anything I need to do before coming to class?
Clients are asked to sign a disclaimer regarding their responsibilities and liability for their dog’s behaviour before the start of any training session. I reserve the right to decide the most appropriate approach for dealing with a client’s needs with regards to their dog’s training issues or behaviour. You will need to fill out a booking form about your requirements and everything about your dog. It is necessary to fill this in before coming to class, if it isn’t filled in I reserve the right to cancel you off the course. These forms are so I can get an insight to your dog, whether they are suitable for classes, keep everybody safe and helps be place dogs appropriately in class.

What do I need to bring?
I will send out a confirmation email when booking on with a list of what to bring with you.

How many dogs are on the courses?
I cap the maximum number of dogs booking onto class at 5. This is so I can spend more time with each of you and help you as much as I can, have time for any questions, etc. Smaller classes also means the dogs coping better and I can progress you on much more with your dogs to get the most out of your training classes!

Are children allowed to come to classes?
We are family friendly! Your household must remain in the area I set out for you unless they are training the dog out on the floor. You can bring young children with you, however; it is your responsibility to look after them in class. They will need to remain seated unless they are training the dog with you. As you can imagine children running around can be very distracting for the dogs in class and we need to look at safety. We recommend you bring them an Ipad and headphones if you think they might get bored.

What do you teach in class?
I teach you how to train focus, marker words, how to teach a new behaviour, down, station training, settle, loose lead walking, recall, leave it, ‘not jumping up’ and much more!

Do you cover toilet training and separation related behaviours?
Unfortunately, as you can imagine this is hard to cover in class. However, upon booking in your confirmation email you will receive a password for your online support platform, which is included in your price. Here you will find lots of information about different things that owners often struggle with. I am also available in between classes, so if you need advice please give me a phone call or email and I will be happy to advise as much as I can.

I might find it hard to remember what I am doing to practice at home..
Don’t worry! It is a lot of information to take on in class when you are trying to listen and focus on your dogs, which is why I will send a summary email of what we covered in class, to practice more at home.

Do you take photos and videos?
I will take photos and videos of classes for publicity purposes, but we will always ask your permission at the start of a session before doing this. If you do not want us to take photos or videos of you and/or your dog, please let us know at the start of the session or state this on the booking form.

Can I take photos in class?
You are permitted to take photos and video of you and your dog during the classes. You are not permitted take any video or photography or voice recordings of other clients or me training.

Any footage taken during the classes cannot be used to promote or market other services or businesses.

What do I do if my dog is poorly?
If your dog is poorly, please don’t bring them to class for their welfare. If you need to miss a week, please contact me and I can do an online catch up or send a summary email out to you.

As with any environment (parks, kennels) where dogs have been, there is a risk your dog may pick up an infection from another dog. Many illnesses have incubation periods such as kennel cough and a dog may be infected and contagious but not yet showing signs. If your dog picks up an infection, please do not bring your dog to the centre and contact us to let us know.


What if I am late?
Please let me know as soon as you know you are going to be late. If you are more than 15 minutes late for class I reserve the right to turn you away and catch you up, such as an online catch up, email summary or phone call. This is because it will disrupt the class and will be hard to catch you up if more than 15 minutes late. Your dog will more than likely be stressed coming in late to a room full of dogs. The dogs welfare is at the heart of what I do.

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